Boring including sampling and SPT (depth 0-10m) with logging 100 AED
Boring including sampling and SPT (depth 11-20m) with logging 100 AED
Boring including sampling and SPT (depth 21-30m) with logging 150 AED
Boring including sampling and SPT (depth 31-40m) with logging 150 AED
Boring including sampling and SPT (depth 41-50m) with logging 200 AED
Boring including sampling and SPT (depth >50m) with logging 300 AED
Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (Heavy Test) Up To 5m Depth 1000 AED
Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (Heavy Test) Up To 10m Depth 1000 AED
Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (Heavy Test) Up To 15m Depth 1000 AED
Extracted Water (Content Chloride) 100 AED
Extracted Water (Content S) 100 AED
water or soil (Value P) 30 AED
In – Site Field Permeability Test using falling Head Method ( USING PVC STAND PIPE OR CASING ) 2000 AED
Mobilization & Demobilization of rig 1000 AED
Core boxes for core storage 200 AED
Collecting Groundwater Samples During Drilling 25 AED
Collecting Bulk Disturbed Samples 50 AED
Collecting Undisturbed Samples (Shelby Tube) 200 AED
Additional report copy (reporting includes two copies) 200 AED
Direct shear test (3points) 500 AED
Trial pits with logging to GWT or max 3m depth which e 1500 AED
Rock coring with logging / meter (DEPTH?50m) 350 AED
Rock coring with logging / meter (DEPTH>50m) 0 AED
Backfilling Borehole with Cement- Bentonite Grout (1:4 by wt) 15 AED
Core Photograph (Including labeling) 15 AED
Rental Charges for Storage of Core Boxes (per box, monthly) 20 AED