The Government of Ajman provides the necessary health care services to help parents properly raise their child in an adequate environment. These services include counselling, medical care and vaccinations. In order to benefit from the free medical services provided for new-born babies, a health card for the baby must be issued before visiting a medical center for vaccination according to the table below.
Vaccinations are available free of charge to all residents (locals and expats) at the following center:
- Musheirif Medical Center
- Hamidiya Medical Center
- Preventive Medicine Center
Vaccine |
Vaccine Schedule |
BCG | At Birth |
Hep B | At Birth |
Hexavalent | End Of 2nd Month |
PCV 13 | End Of 2nd Month |
OPV | End Of 4nd Month |
Pentavalent | End Of 4th Month |
PCV 13 | End Of 4th Month |
OPV | End Of 6th Month |
Pentavalent | End Of 6th Month |
PCV 13 | End Of 6th Month |
MMR | End Of 12th Month |
Varicella | End Of 12th Month |
OPV | End Of 18th Month |
Acellular Telravalent | End Of 18th Month |
PCV 13 | End Of 18th Month |