Training Programs

The Central Department of Human Resources is committed to investing in the human capital of the Ajman Government through training and development programs. This commitment aims to contribute significantly to elevating productivity and enhancing employee performance, aligning with the core strategic objective to realize Ajman Vision 2021.

Ajman Leadership Program

In the light of recent trends witnessed by the government sector in the Emirate of Ajman, the Central Department of Human Resource seeks to habilitate the national workforce through implementing the best measures for training and development programs to empower competencies in the government sector. The Ajman Leadership Program aims to bring out the national workforce's skills and train them by utilizing the most advanced leadership and management tools to assist them in enriching the governmental working environment with proficiency and efficiency.

Professional Diploma Program in "Government Accelerators in Designing and Manufacturing the Future"

The Professional Diploma Program aims to enhance institutional capacity in the field of future forecasting and achieving organizational vision, especially in light of new forecasting engines. This program is designed for corporate leaders, their deputies, assistants, as well as leaders and members of teams in organizational excellence, strategic planning, institutional innovation, risk and crisis management, service management, operations, asset management, investment, marketing, and finance.

The program is based on 4 training modules:

• Changing Innovation in Services and Products
• The Role of Government Institutions in Forecasting and Manufacturing the Future
• Institutions With Double the Performance and Results
• Design and Development of Institutions and Services 

For more information, please visit the Central Department of Human Resources website here.