Certificate of Owned Properties

A service that allows customers to issue a certificate addressed to official authorities stating all the properties owned by them in the Emirate of Ajman, whether it is a granted land or other types of properties. This certificate is required by the Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme, Social Affairs and other related institutions

Required Documents


  • If the determination of inheritance certificate is completed: Power of attorney on behalf of the heirs or a letter from court.

  • If the customer is granted power of attorney to act on behalf of other principals: - Power of attorney from the applicant's principals.


  • 1 Submit the request via website -Amar System.
  • 2 Attaching the required documents (if any) while indicating the entity for which the letter is issued.
  • 3 Processing the request and Reviewing the required documents.
  • 4 Paying fees (if any)
  • 5 Issuing the certificate immediately after paying the fees.

Service fees

  • Entities exempt from fees: - Ministry of Social Affairs - Armed forces Charitable societies in the State - Housing in the country - Marriage Fund - Zakat Fund - Citizens Affairs (Ajman) -vulva box - Entities that are not exempt from fees, estimated at AED 100 - Ministries and government departments in the State - Universities - The Court (Diwan)

  • To whom it may concern, without mentioning the (other) party.

Service Duration

  • 1 Days